You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.8. Sales - Standing Orders > Standing Orders - Standing Order Creation > Maintaining the Standing Order Header
Maintaining the Standing Order Header

You use the Standing Order Header screen to enter the main details of the standing order, or to load a previous invoice for the customer and convert it to a standing order.

  1. Create a new standing order, or recall an existing one.

Refer to "Creating a New Standing Order" or "Recalling a Standing Order".

  1. Alternatively, you can select EDIT | HEADER from the Standing Order Creation screen.

Micronet displays the Standing Order Header screen.

  1. If you want to convert a previous invoice for the customer into a new standing order, refer to "Standing Order Header - Edit - Load Invoice".
  2. Complete the following fields:





Debtors Number

Micronet displays the ID and description of the debtor you entered on the Standing Order Creation screen.


Run Code

Enter the appropriate run code for this order. The run code determines when and how often this standing order should be processed.

For information on setting up run codes, see "Standing Orders - Run Codes".


Tax Number

Micronet displays the debtor's default tax number from the Debtor master file – see "File - Debtor - Debtor".


Order Number

Depending on your Micronet configuration, Micronet may display the next available order number or you may need to enter an order number.


Delivery To

Micronet displays the customer's postal address. You can select an alternative delivery address if required.

Debtor delivery addresses are setup in the Debtor master file – see"File - Debtor - Debtor" and "File - Debtor - Delivery".


Freight Code

Enter a freight code for the order. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a freight code.

You must enter a freight code if you are using SmartFreight.


Sales Person

Micronet displays the default salesperson for this debtor. You can enter a different salesperson for this sale if required. Press Delete then Enter to select a salesperson.

2.8 Feature

If the salesperson you want does not appear in the list of salespeople, it is probably because they have been made inactive – see "File - Salesperson - Sales Person".


Central Debtor

If this debtor has a central debtor for invoicing, Micronet displays the central debtor.



Enter or select the warehouse that the items on the standing order are to be supplied from.


Starting Date

Enter or select the date on which this standing order begins.


Ending Date

Enter or select the date on which this standing order ends.


Default Device

Select the default output device for invoices and picking slips for this standing order, e.g. display on screen, print, save to a specific type of file, fax, or email in a specific format.


Pay Invoice

If direct debits are set up for the customer, Micronet can automatically create a debtors payment batch when the standing order is run. This can then be converted to an ABA file to send to the bank to process the direct debit for the standing order.

If you want Micronet to automatically generate a direct debit payment batch when this standing order is printed, select Yes in this field.

Note that for this to work:

When the standing order is printed – seee "Standing Orders - Print Standing Orders", Micronet will create a debtor payment batch, post the payments to each debtor account and flag each payment as “Direct Debit”. See also "Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Payments".



Micronet displays the name of the main contact for this debtor.


Default Price

Micronet displays the default price break for this debtor.


Credit Limit

Micronet displays any credit limit set for this debtor.


Trading Terms

Micronet displays any trading terms set for this debtor.


Discount Matrix

Micronet displays the default discount matrix for this debtor, if applicable.


Account on Hold

Micronet displays Yes if this account has been placed on hold, or No if it has not.



Micronet displays the amount owed by this debtor for the current month.


30 Days

Micronet displays the amount owed by this debtor for the previous month.


60 Days

Micronet displays the amount owed by this debtor for two months prior to the current month.



Micronet displays any amount owing that is overdue.


Total Outstanding

Micronet displays the total outstanding amount for this debtor.


Important Information

Micronet displays any added text in the Debtors master file that is assigned to display as important information.



Technical Tip

Many of the details on this screen default from the settings in the Debtor master file (refer to "File - Debtor").

  1. Optionally, you can perform any of the following edits or actions on the Standing Order Header screen if required:
  1. When you have finished entering or editing the standing order header details, select PROCEED or press F2.

Micronet redisplays the Standing Order Creation screen.